Schools, Endowments
and Foundations

Lynx has served endowments and foundations for 29 years and independent school clients for 23 years. As a Registered Investment Advisor governed by the Fiduciary Standard, Lynx takes very seriously an organization’s willingness to delegate investment advice and authority to a third party. Many of the principals at Lynx have served or currently serve as board members and/or officers of endowments and schools and have benefited from the sharing of best practices.

Some ways Lynx can help your school, endowment or foundation:

  • Assess portfolio performance and suitability in terms of your organization’s goals rather than only comparing to benchmarks
  • Construct your Investment Committee
  • Define the Investment Committee’s role as fiduciary
  • Re-write your Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
  • Assess total portfolio fees over time and their impact on overall performance
  • Set up reserve portfolios for capital projects
  • Act as unrelated fiduciary for your organization (Outsourced Chief Investment Officer, OCIO).

One of the most common challenges for schools that we see is variable revenue from enrollment. Some additional ways Lynx can help your school to manage this:

  • Develop a spending study that is sensitive to enrollment changes and capital market assumptions taking possible cash needs or shortfalls into consideration
  • Set up reserve portfolios for operational emergencies

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1100 Connecticut Ave, NW
Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20036

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